Committee For Responsible Development
CFRD receives notices about applications within our RNO boundaries and adjacent RNO related to building code and zoning variances, applications to excise and licenses for new, renewing or transfers of liquor licenses.
The CFRD reviews applications and takes appropriate action to inform community and affected neighbors, meet with applicant, and make recommendation to the 3PA Board of Directors to support, oppose or take no position.
Residents and neighbors are informed through any and all of the following communications:
3PA eBlasts
General Meetings
Platt Park Post
3PA Website Announcements
CFRD members write and send the letters of support, opposition or no position to the Board of Adjustments, Excise and Licenses. A CFRD member may need to attend the hearing. The CFRD negotiates Good Neighbor Agreements as needed under the direction of the 3PA Board of Directors. Instructions on process, sample letters and GNA agreements are available to CFRD members.
The CFRD also responds when appropriate to commercial and residential development and activity which residents perceive as adversely affecting the community or their immediate neighborhood.
The CFRD Chair must attend 3PA Board meetings to provide committee reports and recommendations.
Committee members must be dues paying 3PA members. New CFRD committee members cannot vote until they have attended at least three CFRD meetings (preferably three consecutive or close together meetings). The three meeting requirement prevents a property owner and/or neighbor with a special or self-serving interest from attending and voting on only one specific case. It also gives new members time to learn the BOA/CFRD process.
Committee members need to have some knowledge (or willingness to learn) about building and zoning codes, or excise and license requirements, and related public hearing processes. Diplomacy and professionalism are essential as CFRD and 3PA interact with the same city employees and elected officials repeatedly.
Email for more information or to set up a meeting.